Changes in Wca regulations
Changes in WCA regulations
On Dec 19, 2017, the WCA announced that some MAJOR changes were made to the regulations which will be effective on January 1, 2018. These are the changes:
- Puzzles with logos are not allowed to be used in blindfolded events.
- The format of “3x3x3 With Feet” is changed to “Average of 5”. The WRC and WCA Board will review how the format change influences the popularity of the event and decide about the future of the event after an internally determined period of time.
- The result recording procedure has been revised: Judges must sign right after recording the result. Competitors have to check the result and sign after the judge has recorded the result and signed. The competitor is ultimately responsible for ensuring that they and the judge have signed an attempt.
- Electronic headphones and earbuds must not be used during an attempt, even if they are switched off or disconnected
- Competitors are now allowed to use their hands during inspection in 3x3x3 With Feet
- Attempts done with illegal puzzles will be disqualified (DNF). Exception: If a puzzle is found to be not permitted during a round, earlier results may be replaced with an extra attempt, at the discretion of the WCA Delegate
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